What is eco-psychotherapy?
My eco-psychotherapy work integrates my gestalt, non-dual and shamanic trainings. Nature offers the possibility of healing encounters. Of finding more of our interconnectedness, wildness, intuition, presence and sense of meaning. This naturally increases our care for the beautiful web of life into which we are interwoven. I offer support for you to listen deeply to your-embodied-self-in-nature, in particular your deep imagination and archetypal resonances, and to link this with psychotherapeutic approaches to healing.
We will meet outdoors in a quiet area about 15 mins outside West Linton, where there are woods, hills, river and big open spaces. There is also the possibility of working in my yurt in this area. In practice we might walk, we might be still, and we will choose our place in the landscape to fit your experience and needs. We will meet the wisdom of the land, animals, plants, rocks, birds, sky, cosmos.....connect with the changing seasons......
What will we do?
We may choose to work in a way that is more 'psychotherapeutic' or more 'shamanic' depending on your interests and inclinations. You do not need to do any shamanic work if you don't want to. For more information on psychotherapy, see my 'therapy' page. Information on shamanism is below. Either way, a transpersonal experience which fits with your beliefs usually emerges.... this is work which supports your own spiritual authority,
Shamanism is over 40,000 years old. Whilst the word 'shaman' comes from the Tungus tribe of Siberia, shamanic practice is native to all continents. I am drawn to the way shamanism directly enables work on an energetic and spiritual plane, working in what is sometimes called 'non-ordinary reality' or the world 'beyond the veil'. Often supported by the beat of the drum, this work potentially connects us with our wellbeing, power, and the well-and-wise ancestors (bloodline and/or spirit ancestors). Healing work can include power animal retrieval, soul retrieval, psychopomp, ceremonial work and shamanic journeying. We can discuss these in detail if you are interested, to find what might fit you best at this time.
I have been learning about shamanism for many years, including its integration with psychotherapy. I have recently completed two years of shamanic apprenticeship and continue to learn more. We can draw on this learning if it feels appropriate to us both. Shamanic healing requires you to be ready and willing to heal.
How much?
Eco-psychotherapy sessions cost the same as indoor psychotherapy sessions - £75 per 50 min session. Sessions are usually weekly at the same time each week.
What do I bring?
Please come prepared for all varieties of Scottish weather.... cold, wet, sun, wind, mud, snow, ice, midges! At a minimum, you will need:
sturdy walking boots,
something to sit on (e.g. waterproof square, a binbag)
water to drink.
Appointments and Enquiries
Please contact me to arrange an initial appointment or ask any questions you may have. We will normally have an initial session (charged at my normal rate) to explore what you are bringing, check how we both feel about working together, and agree how best to go forwards.
'If we surrendered to earth's intelligence we could rise up rooted, like trees.' Rainer Maria Rilke